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A catalytic converter is an essential component of a car’s exhaust system that helps reduce harmful emissions. It converts toxic pollutants from the exhaust into less harmful gases. An Audi catalytic converter failure can have a significant impact on the car’s performance and efficiency. You’ll want the right Audi specialist to replace properly when you suspect a problem. Let’s look at why this problem can develop in your Audi.
A catalytic converter can become worn out and lose effectiveness over time. The internal components of the converter may break down or become clogged, reducing the converter’s ability to convert pollutants into less harmful gases. As a result, the car may experience decreased fuel efficiency and performance.
The catalytic converter can become contaminated with oil, coolant, or other substances that leak into the exhaust system. These contaminants can damage the converter’s internal components, causing them to become clogged or break apart. This can reduce the converter’s ability to filter pollutants, leading to a decrease in the car’s efficiency and performance.
A catalytic converter can fail due to overheating. This can occur if the engine is running too hot, causing the converter to become damaged or melt. Additionally, if the exhaust system becomes clogged, it can cause the converter to overheat, leading to damage or failure.
Poor fuel quality can also lead to a catalytic converter failure. Contaminants in the fuel can damage the converter’s substrate, which is responsible for filtering pollutants. If the substrate becomes clogged or damaged, it can reduce the converter’s ability to filter pollutants, decreasing the car’s efficiency and performance.
The catalytic converter can also be damaged by physical impact. If the car hits a large object, such as a speed bump or pothole, it can cause the converter’s housing or substrate to become damaged or broken. This can reduce the converter’s ability to filter pollutants, leading to decreased efficiency and performance.
At Tanner Motors, we are well-equipped for any kind of problem you have with your Audi. We have skilled Audi technicians who will take care of all repairs and maintenance in a timely and affordable manner. If you are in or around Phoenix, AZ, stop by our shop or call us for an appointment!