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One of the great wonders of engineering in Mercedes cars is their transmission system. With the aid of transmission fluid, the Mercedes transmission system transfers power from the car engine to the wheels, in order to efficiently move the car. These fluids, due to various factors, can leak over time.
Most drivers do not pay attention to these leaks, especially when the car is still running well. However, ignoring these problems can put the car at risk of exposure to damage to other parts of the car and lead to more expensive repairs.
Having a sound understanding of what causes transmission leaks in your Mercedes is the first step to knowing how to solve the issue. Here are some of the common causes of transmission leaks.
Located at the bottom of the transmission drain pipe is the drain plug and its major role is to keep the transmission fluid intact and air-tight. If the drain plug is not properly tightened after changing the transmission fluid, there could be a leak. Also, if the drain plug is too tight, the threading on the drain plug can wear out, thereby causing a leak by damaging the seal.
The transmission pan is responsible for storing the transmission fluids in your Mercedes. Due to its location (underneath the car), it is susceptible to cracks and punctures from the external environment, especially when driving in rough terrains and on high bumps.
Just like most components in the car, the effect of continued usage and aging can be negative on the transmission lines. Aging causes the transmission lines to wear out, tear, and inevitably cause leakage.
In the Mercedes transmission system, the torque converter plays a major role in moving fluids around the car’s transmission to keep its moving parts well-lubricated. If the body of the torque converter is damaged or cracked, there is a high chance that your car will experience transmission leakage.
These components are tasked with the job of controlling the flow of the transmission fluids to various parts of the Mercedes where it is needed. They help to prevent the free flow of fluid in the transmission system. However, over time, these components can wear out, and when they do, leaks occur.
In a situation where the repair or replacement process of the transmission system is not done properly, a transmission leak is bound to happen.
Generally, signs of leakage in the transmission system are evident, and some of these signs are:
If you notice the above signs in your Mercedes, you should not wait until the problems worsen and become more expensive to fix. Rather, bring your Mercedes car or SUV to our certified auto shop for proper diagnostics and repair. With factory-approved diagnostic tools, our mechanic can identify the source of the leak and fix it as needed.
Over the years, Tanner Motors has taken pride in providing exceptional auto repair services to cars that come into our shop. We have a dedicated team of ASE-certified technicians who can diagnose and fix issues with your Mercedes. If you need professional work done on your Mercedes, bring it to us today at our shop in Phoenix, AZ, or call us to schedule an appointment.